The Multistate project proposals should address a critical issue facing the Western Region. You can find a list of the priorities on the Western priorities page. The multistate project proposals need to involve at least two western land-grant institutions and must include research and extension activities. The budget should not exceed $35,000. You can find more information below.
WRDC Multistate Integrated Research and Extension Seed Grants
To foster multistate collaboration and good integration between research and extension activities, the WRDC invests in supporting Multistate Integrated Research and Extension Projects addressing critical priorities identified by the WRDC BOD during its 2024 annual meeting. Up to $35,000 will be awarded for each project.
Multistate integrated projects must have active involvement from two or more Western’s land-grant institutions (both 1994 or 1862 institutions) or territories from start to finish and include research and extension activities that supplement and reinforce each other. These projects must have a high potential for obtaining external funding through federal competitive grants to sustain and enable the projects’ ability to meet their objectives. The project’s duration will be one year, with the possibility of being renewed for a second year, subject to funding. The budget allocation to either component (research or Extension) cannot exceed 66%, ensuring a balanced effort in both areas. HATCH and Cooperative Extension multistate project teams will be eligible to apply for this funding. Proposals submitted for review will be evaluated based on their relevance to the priorities of the WRDC program and their overall merit.
The proposal submission will have two steps. In the first step (pre-proposals) you will only need to submit the documents in the submission checklist below:
Submission Checklist
- Cover page
- Project Narrative
- Bibliography & References Cited
- Project Team Members and Roles
- Biographical Sketches of all team members
- Letters of Stakeholder Support (optional)
- Budget and Budget Justification
- Timeline
Accepted projects will have to provide the following documents later on:
- Data Management Plan
- Letters of Stakeholder Support
- Statement of responsibilty
- Sub-recipient form
Proposals are submitted by email at wrdc@uidaho.edu.